About Us
Jessen has always had a thing for cinematography. The thing about movies, whether be it from Hollywood or the asian countries, he always had find them interesting, both story wise and technical wise.
His interest in story telling and movie making grew more when he was looking into hiring cinematographers for his big day. During the process, he stumbled accross many wedding cinematography and was amazed by how movie making techniques was applied into capturing one’s wedding. There was only one thing in Jessen’s mind then, “Amazing! HOW did they do it?”.
Ultimately, he fell in love with how all the stories and emotions that spurted out from the screen and that led him to passionately research and learn how wedding cinematography was done. His research went fruitful and he eventually found, and invested on his first cinematography equipment back in November 2008. He then trained for months, just to get himself fluid with his newly invested equipments before shooting his very first wedding assignment in early 2009.
It was that burning passion that led Jessen to where he is today. And today, he founded JXS and his passion has soared him as far as Taiwan and even Australia. Jessen is still who he is today as when he had first started. He still loves to invest in cinematography equipments and he still loves to tell one’s love story creatively. But one thing has changed though. That is, instead of him being amazed by other’s work, it has now turned the other way round; and now it’s his turn to amaze and inspire many who had came across his masterpieces, making them wonder, “Amazing! HOW did Jessen do it?”